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Editorial Portfolio

At Belmont University, I completed editing courses such as Fiction Editing, Nonfiction and Technical Editing, Copyediting, and Advanced Writing/Editing. I have interned with The Writer's Workout as a Writing Judge and United Methodist Publishing House as a Production Editor Intern. I was a Staff Member and Poetry Editor for Belmont Story Review Volume V and a Coeditor in Chief for Belmont Literary Journal.

Belmont Story Review

Belmont Story Review is a national magazine of literary arts, faith, and culture. The magazine is published yearly with fiction, nonfiction, and poetry writers.





For Belmont Story Review, I read every submission (fiction, nonfiction, and poetry) and wrote coverage notes critiquing whether to accept or not accept the submission for publication. As a Poetry Editor, I worked in a small group to read the poetry submissions and select the pieces for publication.

Gradient Background

The Writer's Workout

The Writer's Workout is a site that provides activities and competitions for writers. A literary magazine is published quarterly, and The Games Anthology is published yearly with pieces from the Writer's Games competition winners.






At The Writer's Workout, I was a Writing Judge during the Writer's Games, which is a two month long writing competition. Each week there was a different theme with two writing techniques for the writers to use. I read fifteen participant entries a week and wrote scores, justifications, and critiques. The scores and justifications contributed to the competition outcome, and the critiques were editorial letters to the writers with compliments and suggestions for revision. 

Belmont Literary Journal
Coeditor in Chief

My role as Coeditor in Chief included coordinating and leading meetings with BLJ staff, compiling and distributing reading packets, sending acceptance and rejection letters, copyediting, proofreading, and reading all fiction, creative nonfiction, poetry, drama, and art submissions.


BLJ Social Media

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Belmont Literary Journal 2022 Issue


2022 Masthead


Production Editor Intern

United Methodist Publishing House

I worked closely with the Production Editor in Ministry Resources to complete production tasks. I have gained hands-on experience with manuscripts through copyediting, copyedit reviews, style tagging, proofreading, flowing text into InDesign, suggesting cuts, learning digit asset management programs, and reviewing plagiarism checks. I attended weekly meetings with the Production Editor, Associate Publisher, and Production Team. The projects I worked closely on were Advent: A Calendar of Devotions 2022, The Big Picture, Jesus Revealed, and Living Gratitude: 28 Days of Prayer and Thanksgiving

Advent Calendar.jpg
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